Herefordshire Heartstart is run by a dedicated group of Trustees, supported by a committee, bookings administrator and a team of volunteers.
Herefordshire Heartstart is a registered charity, established in 1996. To date we have trained over 25,500 people of all ages and backgrounds.
Our committee is made up of volunteers, as well as representatives from other local organisations. These organisations include Wye Valley NHS Trust, local businesses and schools.
Our Trustees: Clive Edwards (chair), Dave Landey, Sarah Grimes and Nicky Thorpe.
Charity Coordinator: Thomas Hughes
The Trustees have a strong vision for the future of the charity.
Everyone in Herefordshire can react to support a life and alert qualified medical assistance in emergency situations.
To ensure that more people survive a heart attack or other life-threatening emergencies by providing quality training and imparting the confidence to act.
The objectives of Herefordshire Heartstart are the advancement of education and the protection and preservation of life by:
We measure and celebrate the success of Herefordshire Heartstart against these five objects.
Herefordshire Heartstart
24 Netherwood Road
Copyright 2024 -
Herefordshire Heartstart.
Charity registered in England and Wales no: 1177931